
Student Fees Payment

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Online Fee Payment

Cheran Arts and Science College has facilitated the payment of fees through online for the convenience of parents and students. The online payments can be made through various options.

Steps to make online payment
  • Enter your Mobile Number, and click “Send OTP”
  • Your credentials will be verified and directed to the “Add New Applicant” page
  • Enter your Customer ID and click on Get Details
  • Tick the check box against the Fee head and click – “Pay Now” tab
  • Add Your Contact Number,then Proceed to Payment
  • After filling the required details, you can make payment through various digital payment options like Credit Card / Debit Card / Internet Banking / UPI / Wallets.
  • After successful transaction, you can download / print receipts.

Transaction Charges

S.No Mode of Payment Transaction Charges
1. Net Banking – All Banks Rs 70+ GST
2. Credit Card – Visa / Mastercard / Rupay 1.5% + GST
3. Debit Card – RuPay 1.5% + GST
4. Debit Card – (Other than Rupay Card) 1.5% + GST
5. Credit Card – Amex 1.5% + GST
6. Wallets 1.75% + GST
7. UPI Rs 70+ GST

Terms and Conditions
  • By accessing the Cheran Arts and Science College website or any of the subdomains, the user agrees to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of use, all applicable laws and regulations, and agree to be responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws.
  • Any information submitted by the user to the Cheran Arts and Science College website is deemed to be accurate information and the user attests that the information submitted does not violate any laws.
  • Any information submitted by the user is provided with the explicit consent of the user.
  • The institute and the Payment Service Provider (s) shall assume no liability whatsoever for any monetary or other damage suffered by the User on account of
    a. Delay, Failure, interruption or corruption of any data or other information transmitted in connection with the use of the Payment Gateway or Services in connection there.
    b. Any interruption or errors in the operation of the Payment Gateway
  • The user is fully aware that his/her personal data including data relating to the debit/credit card transmitted over the Internet may be prone to hacking, theft, fraud and that the Institute shall have no liability for the same.

Privacy Policy
  • This Privacy Policy governs the use of this website and outlines the manner in which the information shared by the user is used.
  • The institution has the right to change its privacy policy without any notice. However, the amended policy will be posted on the cherancolleges.org website for the perusal of all its users.
  • Any information collected on the website will solely be used by the institution for its use only. Only certain information will be shared with the third-parties for the completion of certain tasks.

Cancellation/Refund Policy
  • Once the User has registered and has paid the Fee vide the online Payment Gateway. He/She will not be able to cancel the transaction under any circumstance. Further, no payment will be refunded to   the User.
  • In case the User has made any sort of excessive payment for any reason whatsoever, the User will have to file his/her claim with the admin office of the Institute.
  • The Institute will probe into the matter and make arrangements for the refund if the claim is found to be bonafide.


I fully read and understand the above policy in connection with online payment of fees to the college. I shall be abide by the terms and conditions in force or modified from time to time pertaining to the online payment to the institution.

  I accept all Terms and Conditions