
Admission Procedure

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Cheran Group of Institutions pursues a holistic admission policy for all the programmes offered by the institution. A holistic admission policy seeks to understand the whole applicant beyond marks and solicit whether an applicant will be a good fit in a programme and whether they will thrive. This is in keeping with the best practices of International Universities and allows us to select the best applicant for our programmes.

Admission Policy and Process

  • Admission will be carried out through online application portal.
  • Admission process will start as per the guidelines of Tamil Nadu Government.
  • All the candidates seeking admission to the Undergraduate (UG) / Postgraduate (PG) are required to register online or can visit
    to the College and receive the printed application.
  • As per the present policy, a candidate seeking admission in Undergraduate (UG) programmes must have passed 12th examination of 10+2 system from a recognised board and seeking admission in Postgraduate (PG) programmes must have passed UG programme from a recognised Institution/University.
  • Applicants will be responsible for the quality and authenticity of all the information they enter, including upload of copies of certificates.
  • Admissions will be considered to be complete only when the full fee for the academic year is paid (against an official receipt) and the name of the applicant appears on the relevant rolls.
  • Applicants who do not have a valid e-mail ID must create an e-mail ID before proceeding as all the future correspondence is through this e-mail ID throughout the admission process.
  • Programme selection can be done any number of times after the first registration using login credentials.
  • The selection of admission is confirmed on verification of the original mark sheet, community certificate and other relevant documents. The admission of the candidate is subject to the approval of Bharathiar University.
  • If any applicant is unable to submit the application in online they can submit the hard copy of the filled in application in the drop box available in the college.
  • If student registered at university and not attended any class then collect nominal fees and return his certificate.
  • If student registered and continued for semester / any semesters and attend minimum of 15 days of class then he has to pay that particular semester fees.
  • After 15 days, the principal is to send a warning letter to the student via registered post and email. 30 days – 2nd notice. 45 days – final notice and the same should be intimated through WhatsApp also. 46th day – to send the information to accounts and management with the attached proof.
  • On discontinuing from the course, if it is registered, student has to pay current semester fees. All discontinued students list should be sent to the Accounts department, for the clearance of No Dues Certificate.
  • For Further details contact us on 080 4581 2992 or apply.cherancolleges.org